


Keynotes and Invited speakers



Dr Mozaffar Abdollahifar
Kiel University, Germany

Title: Battery Electrode Production: Highlighting on the Calendering Process.

Dr Mozaffar Abdollahifar is currently a Battery Group Leader at Kiel University with a strong track record in chemical engineering and energy storage materials. He received his PhD from National Taiwan University (NTU), where he focused on the development of supercapacitors and lithium-ion battery materials. Since then, he has held various research positions at NTU (Taiwan) and Battery LabFactory Braunschweig (Germany) for several years. His research interests cover a wide range of areas including the development of battery materials, current collectors (for anode-free applications) and electrolytes for Li-ion, Na-ion and Li-S batteries, as well as exploring new avenues for electrode manufacturing and processing with a focus on novel processes including dry coating and extruder continued coating for high mass loading electrodes. Additionally, he is dedicated to the recycling of end-of-life batteries and his work in this area demonstrates his commitment to sustainability.

Prof. Michael Altman
HKUST, Hongkong 

Title: Passivation of Ge(110) by Graphene.

Professor Michael Altman is Professor and Head of the Department of Physics at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He obtained his PhD from Brown University in 1988 for pioneering investigations of surface reconstruction and phase transitions using surface x-ray diffraction. As a Humboldt Fellow at the Technical University of Clausthal from 1989-90, he was a co-inventor of spin polarized low energy electron microscopy for surface magnetic imaging. He current interests are in the structure, defects and elastic properties of two-dimensional materials, dynamics of Au nanoparticle catalysis, and theory of image formation in cathode lens microscopy. He has served on the Editorial Boards of Ultramicroscopy, Surface Science and Surface Review and Letters and is Fellow of the American Physical Society.


Prof. Johannes Barth
TUM, Bavaria, Germany

Title: Coordination chemistry at interfaces and the engineering of low-dimensional metal-organic nanosystems.

After studying physics at Munich’s Ludwig Maximilians University J. Barth received his doctorate in physical chemistry based on studies with G. Ertl at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society (1992). He was an IBM Postdoctoral Fellow at the IBM Almaden Research Center in San Jose, and spent over a twelve years at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, where he received the venia legendi. Prior to his nomination as a TUM full professor in 2007, he was a Canada Research Chair and Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. Research activities center on physicochemical phenomena at interfaces and molecular nanoscience.

Prof. Ilias

Title: Science and Technology Opportunities in Lithium-ion Battery Recycling.

Dr.Ilias Belharouak is a Corporate Fellow and Head of the Electrification Section at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Tennessee. He is also a Professor at the Bredesen Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Graduate Education of the University of Tennessee Knoxville. At ORNL, Dr. Belharouak leads multidisciplinary R&D programs sponsored by multiple government agencies and industries with a focus on advanced manufacturing and battery energy storage. He is also an advisory board member for several US universities and government agencies. Dr. Belharouak has received numerous awards, including six R&D 100 awards and four U.S. Federal Laboratory Consortium Awards. Dr. Belharouak has a vast portfolio of scientific publications, patents, and books. He has authored more than 190 peer-reviewed papers, 50 U.S. patents and patent applications, and 5 books. Dr. Belharouak is also the Editor of the Journal of Power Sources and has an h-index of 74. He has been invited to speak at over 70 events around the world. Dr. Belharouak holds Ph.D. and Masters degrees in Materials Science from the Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry of Bordeaux (ICMCB), Bordeaux 1 University, Bordeaux, France.

Prof. Amin Bennouna


Title: Some salient aspects of energy in Morocco.

Prof. Amin BENNOUNA retired after having taught Physics from 1980 to 2022. He won a National Research Prize Distinction in 2009, led two energy companies (to 2005 and 2018) and held several positions in the Moroccan Solar Industry Association until 2016. Now he coordinates a network of 250 Moroccan energy researchers after having led a solar energy research project with all Moroccan universities and two 'Medcampus' European Projects. After having built an energy scenario (2007) for Morocco’2030 and written more than 250 publications, he is now updating his "Monograph of energy in Morocco" (2011).

Prof. Abdelilah Benyoussef

Hassan II Academy of Sciences and Technology, Morocco

Title: Green hydrogen production: Density Functional Theory.

Abdelilah Benyoussef obtained his Doctorat d'État at the University of Paris-Sud in 1983. He is a resident member of the Hassan II Academy of Sciences and Technology in Morocco. He coordinated, at the national level, the Pôle de Compétences of condensed matter and systems modeling. He also chaired the editorial board of the Moroccan review of condensed matter. He chaired the Moroccan Society of Statistical Physics and Condensed Matter. Abdelilah Benyoussef's main topics of interest are: modeling and simulation of new materials and nanomaterials for renewable energies; Magnetism and phase transition in condensed matter; complex systems and critical self-organization in statistical physics. He is co-author of more than 600 publications and book chapters and approximately 100 presentations as an invited speaker at international conferences. He has co-chaired or co-organized several international conferences. He holds numerous patents and has supervised more than 40 doctorates on a wide range of topics related to statistical physics, condensed matter, and modeling and simulation.

Thierry Brousse
Nantes University, Nantes

Title: How to turn wastewater adsorbents into electrodes for energy storage devices.

Thierry Brousse is a Distinguished Professor of Materials Chemistry at Polytech Nantes (Nantes Université, France) and a researcher at Institut des Matériaux de Nantes Jean Rouxel (IMN). He received his PhD in 1991 from ISMRa Caen. He started working on oxide-based electrodes for supercapacitors in 2001-2002 at Prof. Bélanger's lab (UQAM, Canada), and since then he triggered different research topics on innovative electrodes and designs for high power energy storage devices. He organized the first ISEECap meeting in 2009 (International Symposium on Enhanced Electrochemical Capacitors) which is now taking place every two years in Europe. He has been appointed Fellow of the International Society of Electrochemistry in 2022. Prof. Brousse was also the Vice-Dean of Nantes Université in charge of Innovation from 2013 to 2020, and he recently took the position of Director in charge of Research and International Partnerships at Polytech Nantes.

Dr. Stéphane Campidelli
CNRS, CEA,  France

Title: Interplay of structure and photophysics of individualized rod-shaped graphene quantum dots.

Stéphane Campidelli received his DEA in 1998 from Aix-Marseille University. After a short period in industry he started his PhD in 2000 on fullerene and dendrimer chemistry under the supervision of Prof. R. Deschenaux at the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland). In 2004, he joined the group of Prof. M. Prato at the University of Trieste (Italy) for a post-doctoral fellowship on the chemistry of carbon nanotubes. In January 2007 he moved to CEA-Saclay where he is currently working as researcher at LICSEN (Laboratoire d’Innovation en Chimie des Surfaces et Nanosciences”. In 2014 he received his HdR “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” from the University Paris-Sud XI. He has co-authored ca. 100 articles, 8 book chapters and 4 patents. His research interests are focused on chemistry of carbon nanotubes, graphene, fullerene and porphyrins for molecular electronics, optics and renewable energy applications. He is also interested in self-organization, macromolecular and supramolecular chemistry.

Prof. Debashis Chanda 
University of Central Florida, USA

Title: Infrared Energy Harvesting.

Prof. Debashis Chanda is a Professor, jointly appointed with NanoScience Technology Center, Dept. of Physics and College of Optics and Photonics (CREOL), University of Central Florida (UCF). Dr. Chanda received his PhD from University of Toronto. His PhD work was recognized in the form of several awards, including prestigious National Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) fellowship. Dr. Chanda completed his post-doctoral research with Prof. John A. Rogers at Beckman Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Most of his research works were extensively covered by National Science Foundation news, BBC, Daily Mail, NBC, Fox, Science Radio and other national/international media outlets. His research has appeared on American Scientist magazine as focused article where it was outlined how companies like Intel, Toshiba etc are trying to adopt some of the printing techniques which were developed in his group. Dr. Chanda is a recipient of the 2012 DOE Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) Solar Energy Future Direction Innovation Proposal Award, International Displaying Future Award-2016 by Merck Germany, UCF Reach of the Stars Award (2018), Samsung Global Research Outreach (GRO) Award (2022), Sony Research Award (2022). Dr. Chanda’s research has been supported by NSF, DoD, DARPA, Florida Space Institute/NASA, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin etc. Apart from that Dr. Chanda is the founder of start-up, E-Skin Displays Inc., out of his research in California.

Prof. Abdelwahed CHARI 
University, Morocco

Title: Strategies for Designing New Electrode Materials for Sodium and Lithium Ion Battery Applications.

Pr. Abdelwahed CHARI has extensive industrial experience, spanning more than 15 years, in large-scale energy production and water treatment at OCP Group. He has held several positions of responsibility within the OCP Group, including Production Team Leader, Assistant Workshop Chief, Production Workshop Manager (Water Treatment and Sea Water Pumping Units), Facilitator and Coordinator of the "Movement," and Animator at African Academy of Industrial Training (AAIT) in EL Jorf and Safi. Since 2018, Dr. Abdelwahed has served as an OCP professor, teaching modules related to Power Generation Technology and Water Treatment Technology at OCP Group. He earned his PhD in Materials Sciences from the University Hassan II in collaboration with Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P). His PhD thesis focuses on the Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications (Water and Energy) of new phosphate-based materials. Pr. Abdelwahed has participated in several national and international conferences, once as an industrial keynote speaker (Morocco) and multiple times as a speaker and invited speaker (Morocco, Italy, France, Germany, and Spain). He has been awarded the Best Poster Prize twice, from the Second Moroccan Spring School on Advanced Materials in June 2019 at 'MAScIR' Rabat, and the ENSUS Annual Scientific Day 2021 on December 13th at 'UM6P/MSN' Benguerir. Since 2022, Dr. CHARI has been an Assistant Professor at the Materials Science, Energy, and Nanoengineering (MSN) department at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University. His work focuses on developing cathode and anode materials for both Na- and Li-ion Batteries, synthesis and characterization of materials, and electrochemical evaluation of synthesized materials with due correlation. His current research focuses on developing a high-energy-density electrode materials system for efficient energy storage technology and low-cost batteries based on the abundant elements in Earth’s Crust.


Yannick J. Dappe
CNRS, CEA,  France

Title: Switching, manipulation and electronic transport properties of charge density waves in two-dimensional materials.

Dr. Yannick J. Dappe obtained his PhD at Strasbourg University in 2002 on the theory of nonlinear optics on metallic surfaces. He went to the group of Prof. F. Flores at the Autonomous University in Madrid (2004-2008) to learn Density functional Theory (DFT) methods and developed expertise in theory of van der Waals interactions in graphene and carbon materials, and electronic properties of molecules on surfaces. Since 2008, he is CNRS researcher, now at the Condensed Matter Physics Laboratory (SPEC) of the CEA Saclay. His main research interests focus on the theoretical study of graphene and 2D materials, and molecular electronics, using DFT and Keldysh-Green methods. http://iramis.cea.fr/Pisp/yannick.dappe/

Prof. Zineb Edfouf
Mohammed V  University, Morocco

Title: Phosphites, a promising materials for electrochemical energy storage.

Prof. Zineb EDFOUF obtained her European master's degree in 2008 in the Erasmus Mundus program entitled Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion "MESC" she carried out in various European Universities. In 2011 she obtained her doctorate in Materials Science from University of Paris-Est Marne la Vallée, realized in the CMTR laboratory at the ICMPE institute of the CNRS-Thiais, in collaboration with SAFT battery company in France. Zineb returned later to her native country, Morocco, where she was recruited as a researcher within MAScIR foundation for 4 years in the energy team. Since June 2015, Zineb has been a Professor / Researcher at the Chemistry Department of the Faculty of Sciences, Mohammed Vth University in Rabat. She is carrying out her research activities at MANAPSE laboratory and actually supervises 6 PhD students. Zineb is also an affiliated Researcher at MAScIR foundation since 2020, where she is the Director of the Batteries and Smart Materials center. Her main research interests are in energy storage and smart materials topics. Particularly composite materials based on tin, silicon, phosphate and phosphite materials for Li-ion and Na-ion batteries. In addition to the synthesis of materials, she has experience in the assembly of half-cells, the study and the electrochemical and structural characterizations of active materials. Her research work concerns the development of electrodes active materials , solid inorganic electrolytes in all solid state Li-ion and Li-S batteries. Batteries recycling is also one of her interests being aware of the big interest of the topic especially in Morocco.

Prof. Fouad Ghamouss
University, Morocco

Title: Rechargeable MnO2 batteries: Zinc-Mn Leclanché battery still has a lot to offer!

Fouad ghamouss is Professor in Electrochemistry, material sciences at Mohammed VI polytechnic University, head of the hydrogen group at MSN department, scientific director of the accelerated research center on Hydrogen, and coordinator of the Executive master programs on energy and metallurgy. He holds a Ph.D. in electrochemistry from Nantes, France (2007) and earned his HDR (Accreditation to Supervise Research) in energy storage by batteries and supercapacitors in 2015. His career includes research engineering work at CYCergy-EDF (2007-2009), where he focused on Li-air secondary batteries, and an Associate Professor position at Tours University, France (2009-2022). Pr. Ghamouss has been a PI and Co-PI in several national and international projects, with research expertise spanning various electrochemical systems and materials synthesis/modification. He has co-authored more than 80 peer-reviewed articles, 6 patents, and supervised 20 Ph.D. and 45 MPhils students in electrochemistry, material sciences, and electrochemical storage.


Prof. Thomas  Greber
Zurich University, Switzerland

Title: Basic research on sp2 hybridized systems.

Professor Thomas Greber received his Ph.D. from the ETH Zurich in 1990 on Two aspects concerning 4f impurities on metals. From 1991 to 1994 he was a visiting scientist at the Fritz-Haber-Institut in Berlin, where he worked on non-adiabatic gas surface reactions. Since 1995 he is at the Physik-Institut of the University of Zurich. His main interests are sp2 hybridized single layers like hexagonal boron nitride on transition metals and molecules like magnetic endofullerenes on such surfaces, which he studies with photoemission, scanning tunneling microscopy and squid magnetometry. http://www.physik.uzh.ch/~greber/

Prof. Dr. Raphael Hermann


Title: Neutron scattering and Mössbauer spectral investigation of energy materials.

Dr. Raphael Hermann is a Senior Research at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Tennessee, ORNL. He is a member of the Neutron and X-ray Scattering Group and Principal Investigator for the “Neutron Scattering Studies of Hybrid Excitations” project. In his neutron scattering research he studies the relation between fundamental excitations in materials and their functionalities, such as thermoelectric transport, magnetocaloric behavior, and fundamentals of thermal transport. He also utilizes Mössbauer spectroscopy to characterize magnetic materials and electrochemical processes in battery and catalytic materials. Dr. Hermann has authored more than 200 peer-reviewed papers and is Editor for Crystals. Dr. Hermann holds a PhD in Physics from the University of Liege, Belgium.

Vicnent Huc
ICMMO, France

Title: Molecular synthesis of carbon nitrides.

Vincent Huc is senior research scientist at the French national Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), and leader of a research group at the Université Paris-Saclay (France). He has completed his PhD degree devoted to molecular electronics at the French Atomic Energy commission (CEA-Saclay) in 1999. In 2000, he then joined Pr. Thomas Ebbesen’s group at the ISIS institute (Strasbourg, France) for a post-doctoral stay, where he developed a process for the preparation of graphene on insulating substrates. His research interest focuses on the synthesis of nanocarbons (nanotubes, nanocones…) and 2D materials by conventional CVD-based processes and also by means of organic chemistry. In this later case, his group is developing new processes for the molecular synthesis of extended 2D carbon nitrides networks. He’s also developing the use of these materials for electronics (transistors…). Co-founder and CSO of two start-ups (AJELIS and NOVECAL), He co-authored more than 60 publications and holds 11 international patents.


Hosni Idrissi,
UCL, Belgium

Title: in-situ TEM nanomechanical testing: Plasticity under the (electron) spotlight.

Hosni IDRISSI obtained his PhD in materials science at UMarseille Aix-III (France) in 2006. He joined the Institute of Mechanics, Materials, and Civil Engineering (iMMC) at Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) in Belgium as a professor and FNRS research associate in 2016, where he established a new activity focusing on the investigation of the elementary mechanisms controlling the deformation of inorganic materials using advanced ex-situ and in- situ electron microscopy. He is currently the head of the IMAP (Materials and process engineering) laboratory within the iMMC institute. The focus of his research activity is put on crystalline materials with micro/nanostructures dominated by internal interfaces such as nanocrystalline metallic thin films, advanced steels and alloys exhibiting twinning and phase transformation induced plasticity as well as advanced Al alloys with controlled micro/nanostructures for self-healing. Recently, the attention has been partly shifted towards amorphous oxides and metallic glass materials, hybrid materials as well as the minerals of the Earth’s mantle. Special attention is also paid for the study of the mechanical properties of small-sized objects under various couplings to address and measure electrical, magnetic, thermal and irradiation couplings as well as to evaluate the impact of mechanical strain on different solid-state physics phenomena.

Aishuak Konarov
Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan

Title: Advanced Layered Mn-rich Materials as a Cathode for Sodium-Ion Batteries.


Prof. Abdou Lachgar
Wake Forest University, USA

Title: Green Hydrogen Production Using Semiconductor Heterojunctions.

Abdou Lachgar is a Professor of Chemistry at Wake Forest University (WFU) and a founding director of the Center for Energy, Environment, and Sustainability. Lachgar obtained a PhD in 1987 from the Institute of Materials of the University of Nantes. After completing a postdoctoral fellowship at the US Department of Energy’ Ames Laboratory (1988-90), he joined WFU in 1991 as an assistant professor, was promoted to associate professor in 1996, and to full professor in 2003. Lachgar is currently a US-Scholar Fulbright Fellow at the University of Namibia. His research focuses on the development of materials for potential applications in solar fuels production, waste-to-bioenergy conversion, and environmental remediation. With the help of 29 PhD students, 13 postdoctoral associates, and ~213 undergraduate students Lachgar published over 150 papers, 4 book chapters, and 4 patents. To support his students and his university, Lachgar has raised over 4 million dollars of funding as PI and over 15 million as Co-PI from US national and international foundations and industrial partners. Lachgar has a long-standing international collaboration with University of São Paulo, Brazil; King Abdullah University of Science and Technology; City University of Hong Kong; the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering in Singapore, University Hassan II, Casablanca in Morocco; the Max Planck Institute of solid-state chemistry in Stuttgart, Germany, and more recently the University of Namibia in Namibia, and the University Kwazulu Natal in South Africa.

. Jérome Lagoute
Paris Cité University
, France

Title: Electronic and structural properties of two dimensional phosphorus on Au(111).

Dr. Jérôme Lagoute obtained his PhD in 2003 at Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France. His thesis was dedicated to Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) study of molecular wires on surfaces and tunnel current fluctuations under the supervision of Sébastien Gauthier at CEMES laboratory. From 2003 to 2006 he joined the group of Stefan Fölsch at Paul Drude Institute in Berlin for a postdoctoral position. During this period, he worked on atomic manipulation and spectroscopic study by STM of artifical atomic nanostructures. Since 2007 he is CNRS researcher at Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques at Université Paris Cité. His current research is focusing on atomic scale investigation and defect engineering of two-dimensional materials (graphene, TMD, phosphorene) by STM.

Laurent Simon
UHA , France

Title: Novel ordered supergraphene doped up to the Lifshitz transition only by Erbium Intercalation.

Laurent Simon is CNRS-Research Director at the Institut de Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse (IS2M-UDS- UHA-CNRS, France). He leads the department of “Physics of low dimensionality systems”. He is scientific coordinator of the France 2030-Excellence(s) project Mat-Light 4.0. He is expert in functionalization of 2D systems, scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and band structure measurement by ARPES and the link with Quasi-Particle Quantum interference pattern observed with STM (F-STS). The focus of his research are supramolecular ordered structures, supramolecular crystals, molecular self-assembly to create functional and controllable surface materials. His activities are also focused these last 10 years on the 2D material, graphene, MoS2 and mixed dimensional heterostructures, particularly epitaxial graphene on silicon carbide and the means to modify its electronic properties by several approaches, molecular functionalization with covalent and no-covalent grafting, metal intercalation and fluorination.

Prof. Sébastien Lebègue

Nancy University, France


Title: Some recent advances in 2D materials using ab initio calculations.

After completing a PhD (2000-2003) at the IPCMS-Strasbourg on the development of the GW approximation under the supervision of M. Alouani and a postdoc (2003-2005) in the group of O. Eriksson (Uppsala, Sweden), Sébastien Lebègue obtained a CNRS "Research Fellow" position in Nancy (France) in 2005 and was promoted to Research Professor in 2017. SL is developing and using ab initio methods to understand the electronic structure of solid state compounds, like layered compounds, 2D materials, and surfaces. In particular, SL has developed an expertise in methods going beyond standard density functional theory concerning van der Waals forces (semi-empirical corrections to DFT, random phase approximation), excited states properties (GW method, Hubbard-I, Bethe-Salpeter equation), which are oftenly needed to describe in a realistic way the systems of interest.

Steven Le Vot,
Montpellier University, France

Title: Overcoming stability issue of nitroxide derivatives for Redox Flow Batteries.

Prof. Steven Le Vot is an associate professor at Montpellier University. He joined the ICGM in 2016 to develop research activity dealing with nanostructured material synthesis for advanced electrochemical energy storage devices, electrochemical studies of complex interfaces and tuning of surface properties via functionalizations. He has developed its expertise on electrochemical energy storage devices including batteries and supercapacitors working both on advanced electrolytes, and on complex electrode materials (porous carbons and 2D materials). Currently, he is focusing on the development of innovative redox flow batteries (RFB) and is particularly involved on 1) finding new stable electrolytes for Aqueous Organic RFB, 2) investigating electron transfer on modified graphite felts and 3) investigating Redox Targeting RFB.

Prof. Samir Lounis

University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Title: Spinorbitronics in the nanoworld: A first-principles view on magnetic skyrmions.

Samir Lounis is head of Funsilab at Forschungszentrum Jülich and Professor of theoretical physics at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany. His research synergizes theoretical condensed matter physics and computational materials modelling, with a special focus on magnetic properties of systems of all dimensionalities. He is the recipient of several national and international awards. His group benefitted from strong funding of the Helmholtz Association of Research Centres and of the European Research Council. He is the author of more than 120 publications (several published in Science, Nature journals and Phys. Rev. Lett.). He gave about 100 invited talks and organized several organized workshops, focus sessions, schools & hands-on.

Dr. Jacob Olchowka,
ICMCB, France

Title: Direct recycling of Li-ion battery positive electrodes assisted by pressurized CO2.

Jacob OLCHOWKA, is a CNRS researcher at the « Institut de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Bordeaux ». In 2015, he earned a joint PhD between the UCCS (Unité de Catalyse et de Chimie du Solide – Lille, France) and the University of Siegen (Germany), during which he investigated the relationship between structure and optical properties of bismuth-based materials. Convinced that the optimization of materials performance goes through a design of the material (morphology, size, porosity, composition …) and hence through a control and a comprehension of synthesis reactions, he decided to focus his post-doctoral researches (in Siegen (Germany) and Geneva (Switzerland)) on developing new low-temperature ionothermal syntheses for inorganic nanomaterials and understanding of the role of ionic liquid in synthesis mechanisms. In 2017, Jacob joined the group “Energy: Material and Batteries” at ICMCB, where his current research focuses on the controlled-synthesis of positive electrodes for Na-ion/Li-ion batteries and metal-ion/hybrid supercapacitors and on the development innovative coatings. He actively investigates the structure/composition/morphology/electrochemical performance relationship. More recently, Jacob started to work actively in the Li-ion batteries recycling area, specifically in the direct recycling assisted by pressurized CO2. Besides, Jacob is responsible of the Bachelor program focused on “Recycling and Material Valorization” at University of Bordeaux. To date, he is co-author of 44 peer-reviewed publications, 1 patent and delivered 14 oral presentations at international or national conferences.

Dr. Hamid Oubaha
Liège University, Belgium

Title: Silicon recycling: From end-of-life solar panels to Li-ion batteries.

Dr. Hamid Oubaha obtained his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry and Chemistry of Polymer Materials at the University of Mons (Group of Prof. Philippe Dubois) and the University of Namur (Group of Prof. Davide Bonifazi) in Belgium. He joined the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Electronics and Applied Mathematics, Electrical Engineering (ICTEAM) at Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) in Belgium as research assistant. His research focused on the development of novel active materials for lithium ions batteries (LIBs) as well as the engineering of nano- and micro-devices using soft-lithography and micro-structuring techniques for energy harvesting applications. Then, he joined the Group of Research in Energy and Environment from Materials (GREEnMat Laboratory) at Université de Liège (ULiege) in Belgium as a research manager. His current activities are dedicated to the recycling of end-of-life photovoltaic solar cells through the recovery of Silicon materials and its integration in LIBs as anode active materials. He is also involved in developing advanced strategies for the direct recycling of spent LIBs active materials.

Dr. François Parmentier

Title: Quantum transport of heat in graphene.

Dr. François D. Parmentier is an expert on charge and heat quantum transport in mesoscopic quantum circuits. He obtained his PhD from Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, France) in 2010, on the high frequency noise generated by an on-demand single electron source. During his first postdoc (LPN Marcoussis, France, 2010-2014), he pioneered a heat transport technique allowing the measurement of quantized heat flow in mesoscopic circuits. During his second postdoc (SPEC, CEA Saclay, 2014-2015), he started investigating quantum transport in graphene, and spent a few months in 2015 as a visiting researcher in UC Santa Barbara (USA) where he learned the state-of-the-art graphene heterostructures measurement techniques. He was hired as a CNRS researcher at SPEC in 2015, where he combined his previously leanred skills to develop an experimental research activity on heat quantum transport in graphene.

Dr. Valérie Pralong
Caen, France

Title: Design of new cathode material used as electrode for Li-Na-K-ion batteries.

Valérie. Pralong’s topic is to explore and prepare new materials, new structures as well as tuning their physical or chemical properties of materials by soft chemistry or electrochemistry in order to generate original framework in the domain of the energy storage, focusing on the ionic conductors. Transition metal polyanionic frameworks, oxides as well as sulfides are explored as electrode materials for Li/Na/K ion batteries as well as solid state electrolyte for All Solid State Battery. This topic has been the subject of 170 articles in peer-reviewed journals and 10 patents these last ten years. Since 2010, she has managed more than 15 national, EU and international research programs, supervised 8 PhD as well as 10 young researchers and co-supervised 7 PhD students. She is currently CNRS Director of Research and head of Energy Storage Materials team.

Prof. Biplab Sanyal
Uppsala University, Sweden

Title: Understanding of complex electronic structure and magnetism in high temperature 2D metallic magnets by first principles theory.

Biplab Sanyal is an Associate Professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Uppsala University, Sweden. He is also the head of the Materials theory division and the Director of the International Master program in Materials science. After completing Ph.D. studies in India in 1999, he joined Brock University, Canada as a post-doctoral fellow with Prof. S. K. Bose. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Uppsala University from 2000-2003. Then he became an Assistant Professor in 2003 and an Associate Professor in 2011. He has supervised 18 Ph.D. students and 6 postdoctoral fellows. His research interests lie in 2D materials, magnetism, biomolecules, electron correlation, amorphous materials, electronic transport, Monte-Carlo simulations, lattice and magnetization dynamics. He has published 260 articles, 2 books and 10 book chapters.

Jolanta Światowska 

Title: Electrode/Electrolyte Interphase Modifications in Li-ion Batteries and Beyond.

Jolanta Światowska is a Research Director at CNRS, Institut de Recherche de Chimie Paris (IRCP), Chimie ParisTech, PSL University in Paris, France. She earned her Ph.D. in 2003 from AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland. Following that, she was working as a post-doctoral researcher at CNRS, Chimie ParisTech from 2005 to 2008. Her primary research focus lies in surface reactivity, encompassing modifications and treatments at solid/liquid, solid/solid, or solid/gaseous interfaces, with applications in diverse fields such as corrosion, corrosion protection, and energy storage and conversion (including Li-ion or metal-air batteries). Driven by a multidisciplinary approach, she integrates electrochemical techniques with advanced surface analytical methods such as X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, and Atomic Force Microscopy. Dr. Światowska has published almost 100 papers in scientific journals, books, and conference proceedings. Additionally, she has co-authored over 125 conference presentations.

rof.  Guy Trambly de Laissardière CY Cergy Paris University,
Cergy, France

Title: Electronic structure and quantum transport in functionalized multi-layer Black Phosphorene.

Guy Trambly de Laissardière is an associate professor in condensed matter physics theory at Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modélisation (LPTM), CY Cergy Paris Université / CNRS, Cergy-Pontoise, France. He received his PhD in 1996 at the University J. Fourier (Grenoble) in the group of Didier Mayou with a thesis on the electronic properties of quasiperiodic materials. His research activity mainly deals with the electronic confinement, magnetism and quantum transport in graphène, related 2D materials, twisted bilayer and quasiperiodic tilings. https://trambly.u-cergy.fr/

Prof. Saïd Yagoubi
University of Paris-Saclay, France

Title: From order to disorder: muti-scale study of ionic transport in Garnet and NASICON solid electrolytes.

Saïd Yagoubi is an associate professor in the science of materials at the University of Paris-Saclay since 2008. He obtained his PhD in solid-state chemistry in December 2004 at the University of Lille, France. After two years as ATER (attached temporary of teaching and research) in Lille, he was a postdoctoral research fellow from 2006 to 2008 at the Institute of Transuranium Elements (ITU), JRC-European Commission in Karlsruhe (Germany). During his postdoctoral research program, he worked on 5f electrons behaviour (localized vs. itinerant) for metals and intermetallic compounds by synchrotron X-ray diffraction under high pressure (to 300 GPa). He’s now attached to the LEEL laboratory in the CEA of Saclay. His present research focused on the relationship between synthesis, structure and transport properties of advanced materials for lithium and sodium all-solid-state batteries.

Prof. Dr. Abdelfattah Mahmoud
University of Liège, Belgium

Title: Solvent-Free direct recycling of NCA cathode active material from End-of-life Li-ion batteries.

Dr. Abdelfattah Mahmoud is the Battery Group Leader at GreenMat Labory of the University of Liège (Belgium). His research focuses on i) the development of the battery materials for Alkali-ion batteries, ii) all solid-state batteries and iii) recycling of spent Li-ion batteries and PV panels. He is in charge of the analytical platforms of electrochemistry and Mössbauer Spectroscopy. Before joining the University of Liège, Abdelfattah was a postdoctoral researcher for two years at Forschungszentrum Jülich, JCNS-2 (Germany). His research there focused on the characterization of electrochemically active materials using nuclear resonance and neutron scattering techniques. He graduated with a Ph.D. in Materials Science in December 2012 from Cadi Ayyad University in Marrakech (Morocco), where his dissertation focused on the development of three electrode materials for high-energy-density lithium-ion batteries. He has been a visiting researcher in many research centers, laboratories and Universities: Oak Ridge National Lab (USA, 2018), Montpellier University (France, 2011) and Materials Science Institute of Madrid (Spain 2009, 2010 and 2012). He has authored and co-authored more than 100 peer-reviewed papers, holds 2 patents, and has contributed to over 100 conference papers, invited talks, and extended abstracts.
